Archive of Old P&F Leaflets

This page contains printable versions of old P&F leaflets, that are out of date because they have been replaced by newer versions or because they publicize an event that has already happened.

Leonard Peltier, candidate for President of the United States
Janice Jordan, candidate for Vice-President of the United States

Flyer for October 10th Berkeley Event

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To print this flyer, download the PDF version and print it on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Half-sheet Flyer for October 9th San Diego Event

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To print this flyer, download the PDF version, print it on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper, then cut it in half to get two 8.5 by 5.5 inch flyers per sheet.

Flyer for August 17th San Diego Event

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To print this flyer, download the PDF version, which prints on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

September 21st Brochure (used in San Diego)

page 1

pages 2-3

page 4

To print this version of the brochure, download the PDF version, and print on the front and back of an 8.5 by 14 sheet of paper; pages 1 and 4 are together on the front and pages 2 and 3 on the back. This version (minus some copy-editing changes) has been used by our Vice-Presidential candidate, Janice Jordan, and her comrades from the San Diego area.

September 12th Brochure (printed in Los Angeles)

page 1

pages 2-3

page 4

To print this version of the brochure, download the PDF version, and print on the front and back of an 8.5 by 14 sheet of paper; pages 1 and 4 are together on the front and pages 2 and 3 on the back. A small printing of this version was produced in Los Angeles in early September while waiting for better graphics before doing a larger printing of an improved version.

August 27th Brochure

page 1

pages 2-3

page 4

To print this version of the brochure, used at the August 28th PowWow in Oakland, download the PDF version, and print on the front and back of an 8.5 by 14 sheet of paper; pages 1 and 4 are together on the front and pages 2 and 3 on the back.

Peltier and Feinland Flyer

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To print this flyer for our Presidential and U.S. Senate candidates, used in Southern California before a Vice-Presidential candidate was chosen, download the PDF version, which prints on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Marsha Feinland, candidate for U.S. Senate

May 2004 Brochure

page 1

pages 2-3

page 4

Twenty thousand copies of this version of the Feinland for Senate brochure were printed in May. When the brochure needed to be reprinted in October, some minor changes were made (updating and clarifying some of the biographical information, replacing the "Universal Basic Income" bullet point on the third page with one about shortening the work week,and improving the layout of the last page. To print this version of the Feinland for Senate brochure, download the PDF version, and print on the front and back of an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper; pages 1 and 4 are together on the front and pages 2 and 3 on the back.

On old flyer for Marsha Feinland and for the Presidential candidate is also included in the Peltier/Jordan section of this page.

John Reiger, candidate for U.S. Representative, 5th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

LeiLani Dowell, candidate for U.S. Representative, 8th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

Joe Williams, candidate for U.S. Representative, 17th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

Alice Stek, candidate for U.S. Representative, 36th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

Kevin Akin, candidate for U.S. Representative, 44th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

Ian J. Grimes, candidate for State Senator, 3rd District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

Tom Condit, candidate for State Senator, 9th District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

James R. Smith, candidate for Assemblymember, 53rd District

No old leaflets for this candidate are currently available on the website.

General Peace and Freedom Literature

Statewide Propositions Flyer

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To print this preliminary version of the flyer on the statewide propositions, download the PDF version, which prints on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper. This version of the flyer was distributed in the Bay Area during and shortly after the weekend of October 9th and 10th.

Bilingual Slate Card/Statement

This is the preliminary edition of which about 200 of the Bay Area version were distributed at a September 2nd demonstration in Oakland's Fruitvale district. As far as I know, the Northern California and Southern California versions weren't actually used. Each of these consists of two pages, intended to be printed on the front and back of a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Slate Card

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This version of the slate card flyer left San Benito off the list of counties in which Joe Williams is running for Congress. To print it, download the PDF version, which prints on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

This page was last updated on 28 October 2004

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