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P&F Campaigns in Orange County

Local Candidates

State Senate

There are no Peace and Freedom Party candidates for the State Senate in Orange County.

U.S. House of Representatives

Kevin Akin is the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in the 44th District, which includes San Clemente and half of San Juan Capistrano (basically a strip along the border with San Diego County from the coast to Riverside County) and part of Riverside County. He came in third of three candidates, behind the incumbent Republican, Ken Calvert, who was re-elected and the Democrat. As of November 12th, he received 1,268 votes (2.7%) in Orange County, of 6,996 (3.3%) in the district. (See note.)

State Assembly

There are no Peace and Freedom Party candidates for State Assembly in Orange County.

Local Non-partisan Offices

The webmaster for this website is not aware of any endorsements of candidates for local non-partisan offices by the local Peace and Freedom Party organization.

Peace and Freedom Party Central Committees

There are no elected members of the Peace and Freedom Party Central Committees from Orange County.

Local Measures

The webmaster for this website is not aware of any endorsements of ballot measures by the local Peace and Freedom Party organization.

Statewide Candidates

President of the United States

The Peace and Freedom Party's presidential ticket, chosen at our state convention, held the weekend of July 30th and August 1st in Los Angeles, consists of Leonard Peltier for President of the U.S. and Janice Jordan for Vice-President of the U.S.

The Peltier/Jordan ticket came in fifth of six tickets on the ballot statewide, with 24,500 votes for 0.2% as of November 12th. In Orange County, the Peltier/Jordan ticket came in sixth with 1,511 votes for 0.1%. At this point, information on write-in votes is not yet available, so we don't yet know how the P&F ticket did in comparison to the Nader/Camejo campaign. (See note.)

United States Senator

The Peace and Freedom Party candidate for U.S. Senator is Marsha Feinland. She came in third of five candidates on the ballot statewide, as of November 12th with 213,354 votes for 1.9%. In Orange County, she came in fourth, beaten out by the Libertarian Jim Gray for third place, with, as of November 12th, 18,714 votes for 1.9%. (See note.)

Statewide Measures

There were sixteen propositions on the statewide ballot November 2nd, assigned proposition numbers 59 to 72, plus 60A and 1A. The Peace and Freedom Party took positions on most of them.

Note: The state- and district-wide figures given do not correspond to the Orange County figures for the same races, as the Secretary of State's website only included Orange County figures from Monday afternoon, November 8th, several days after the Orange County Registrar's website included counts from November 12th with about ten percent more votes.

This page was last updated on 14 November 2004.

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